How to solve the carburetor leaking oil? Find a replacement from Elecdeer Auto Parts
How to solve the carburetor leaking oil? Find a replacement from Elecdeer Auto Parts
Carburetor oil leakage will cause what failure:
Oil leakage from the carburetor will cause gasoline to enter the combustion chamber and crankcase, which may cause the engine to fail to start or even rebound. watt! Once the gasoline has entered the crankcase, the engine oil needs to be replaced in time before the engine can continue to be used. Therefore, it is very necessary for us to understand the reasons for the oil leakage of the carburetor to prevent this kind of failure, and how we should deal with the oil leakage of the carburetor.
To find out the cause of the carburetor oil leakage, we need to briefly understand the direction of gasoline in the carburetor.
First, gasoline flows from the fuel tank into the oil cup, and then enters the combustion chamber after being mixed with air through the main nozzle. The oil cup is equipped with a float and a needle valve. Their function is: when the gasoline liquid level in the oil cup reaches a specified height, the float floats, and at the same time drives the needle valve to lift up to block the oil inlet hole and close the oil circuit.
Most carburetor leaks are caused by failure of this mechanism.
So here comes the question:
What causes the institution to fail?
The oil circuit switch was not turned off during transportation.
Oil spill due to road bumps
For example, when the trowel is transported from one construction site to another by a truck, or when the sanitation vehicle drives from the garage to the work site, due to the bumpy road surface, the float will repeatedly open and close the needle valve due to vibration, and then the gasoline will flow continuously. Into the oil cup, the liquid level continues to rise, and finally flows from the throttle valve into the combustion chamber and crankcase.
Treatment method: turn off the oil circuit switch before transportation.
Foreign matter adhered to the needle valve/oil inlet hole
Lack of closed needle valve
The sealing requirements of the needle valve and the oil inlet hole are very high, so the contact surface finish between the two is also very high. If foreign matter adheres to the surface of the needle valve and the oil inlet hole, it will cause the needle valve to not close tightly and cause oil leakage. Foreign matter mainly comes from impurities and coagulated colloid in gasoline. We should use good quality gasoline to avoid such failures.
Treatment method: clean the oil inlet hole, needle valve, fuel tank, oil pipe and use good quality clean gasoline.
The needle valve/oil inlet hole is worn and the seal is not tight
During use, impurities in the gasoline wash away the needle valve and the oil inlet hole for a long time, causing wear and tear.
Treatment method: replace the needle valve or carburetor, and pay attention to using good quality clean gasoline.
Float/float pin stuck with gasoline gel
As a result, the float cannot float to close the needle valve and leak oil
If the machine is not in use for a long time, the residual gasoline in the carburetor will evaporate and the condensed gum will stick the float to the bottom of the oil cup or stick the float pin to cause the float to fail to work normally.
Treatment method: Use carburetor cleaning agent to clean the gum in the oil cup. For machines that have not been used for a long time, the gasoline in the fuel tank should be emptied, and at the same time, unscrew the oil drain screw of the carburetor to empty the remaining gasoline in the oil cup.